Enjoy luxurious sleep with a plush pillow designed to comfortably support your head and neck all night long without clumps. Gelled Microfiber fill is a hypoallergenic alternative to down, so you can sleep peacefully without worrying about allergens or uncomfortable quills.
Are you tired of constantly fluffing your pillow? Our gelled microfiber fill maintains its shape over time so you can sleep well without your pillow becoming lumpy.
Tiny microfibers are coated in gel so you can get the soft feel of a traditional down pillow without the uncomfortable quills and pesky allergens.
Naturally resistant to dust mites and other harmful allergens that can disrupt your sleep, this pillow helps you achieve restful sleep night after night..
74% of people sleep on their side, making this the most common sleeping position. To help prevent neck and shoulder pain, try our shoulder-cushioned pillows. The hollow fits comfortably around your shoulder and aligns your spine so you wake up rejuvenated.
Considered one of the healthiest sleeping positions, back sleepers can keep their neck, head and spine in a more neutral position with the right pillow. Look for a medium-height pillow that doesn't tilt your shoulders up or down too much for pain-free sleeping.
Muchas personas que duermen boca abajo experimentan dolor debido a la desalineación del cuello y la columna. Una almohada baja es la mejor opción para quienes duermen boca abajo y ayudará a reducir la tensión del cuello durante la noche.